Improve the Way You Move
COVID-19 pain open telehealth

Second step – Coronavirus Restrictions – Changes to practice

What can happen from the 28th September 2020?

With the reduction in the number of positive cases and the lowering of restrictions in Victoria we are happy to annouce that we are able to see people for more reasons than the stage 4 restrictions.  We will also be returning to our previous opening hours of 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings 9am - 12pm.

Individual clinician hours will still be reduced slightly to ensure we maintain social distancing within the clinic.  However, rest assured that an appointment will be available with a therapist on the day you require.

Why can I attend?

People are now able to attend for face to face treatment where it will:

  • prevent a significant deterioration in functional independence;
  • reduce the need for future treatment or prevent a significant increase in recovery time;
  • stop a significant increase in pain;
  • prevent referral for specialist input;

If people were unable to attend during stage 4 then they are now able to present for assessment and diagnostic purposes. Especially where further delay will likely result in deterioration.

People are now able to attend as well for any essential pre or post operative surgery care.

Myotherapy is also able to resume if treatment will prevent a significant deterioration in functional independence that will require an further treatment if delayed and have an endorsed care plan.

Group sessions are still not able to be held.  We are able to reopen the rehabilitation area but are limiting this to one person only with one clinician for supervised exercise.  Hopefully group sessions can resume before the end of the year.

We will continue to follow our COVID safe plan and our increased cleaning regime.

We ask that if you are unwell and have had a recent coronavirus test (and are waiting for the results) that you contact the clinic and move your appointment.

COVID-19 pain open telehealth

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