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TAC Medical Excess Traffic accident injuries

Important changes to the TAC medical excess and Physiotherapy

TAC Medical Excess New Conditions

Recent changes have occurred to the medical excess that relates to a road or traffic accident injury.  Previously the claimant was responsible for the first $651 of their medical costs.  However this has recently changed with the claimant no longer having to cover an excess if their accident was on or after the 14th February 2018.

Traffic Accident TAC Physio

If your accident was before this date the medical excess may still apply to you.  The times when the excess may not apply is if you have had surgery or spent a night or more in a hospital bed.  Time and tests conducted in the emergency department or short stay wards do not contribute to the medical excess. However, the definition of 'you' does include costs incurred by immediate family members involved in the same accident.


How do I see a physiotherapist?

If you have had a car accident and believe you would benefit from seeing a physiotherapist you do not need to see a GP for a referral.  You do need to call the TAC on 1300 654 329 to obtain a claim number or visit this page for more information.

Do I have to pay?

Here at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy we will bill the TAC directly for your treatment costs including any braces or crutches that you need, if you have met the medical excess.  We do not charge any gap fees so once you have met the medical excess there will be no out of pocket costs for you.

If the medical excess does apply to you, you will be required to cover the first $651 of your treatment costs.  This includes any non-hospital costs that you incur not just costs associated with physiotherapy.  For example the cost of any braces, doctor visits etc.  You can find a full list of costs that contribute to the medical excess on this page.

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