Improve the Way You Move
TAC / Traffic Accident Injuries

Injuries from a motor vehicle accident can be varied with whiplash, lower back pain and fractures common.  However, early use of physiotherapy can be very successful in the management of these pains and contributes to earlier return to work. If you have a current TAC claim, we are able to help you with your issue here at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy.

The TAC process

To see a physiotherapist you must have a claim lodged with the TAC.  You do not need to have a doctors referral to see a physiotherapist under a TAC claim.  However if you have had days off work due to the injury then the first Medical Certificate does need to be provided by a GP.

Myotherapy is not covered by the TAC regardless if you have been referred by a GP or not.

What are the costs?

If your accident was prior to the 14 February 2018 then the medical excess* may apply to you.  However, the medical excess does not apply if following your accident you spent a night in hospital (not just to emergency). For accidents on or after the 14 February 2018 the medical excess no longer applies.

We normally bill the TAC directly for the cost of your treatment.  In addition, the TAC will be billed for any crutches, bandages that are required for your treatment.

We do not charge a gap for the services provided.

*The medical excess is the first $651 of your medical costs.

What to expect from your physio?

Your physiotherapist plays a key role in the management of your injury rehabilitation following a car accident.  At your first visit, your physiotherapist will aim to get a good understanding of the areas injured, your current ability to work, goals for your recovery and how long you will need treatment for.

Our main goal of treatment is to return you to work, sport and social activities as quickly as possible.

TAC traffic accident physiotherapy narre warren

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