Improve the Way You Move
 Injury Rehabilitation - Strength and Conditioning

Rehabilitation at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy aims to speed your recovery and improve your well-being following injury.  Above all we will focus on your return to sport and everyday life. This will include activities around the home, at work and during leisure.

We realise every person is different and requires a unique program to reach their goals.

What is Rehabilitation?

Rehab is the process of recovering from injury or disease.  Likewise it is also used for longer term illnesses such as Stroke and MS.  Rehab is most effective when it begins early in the process.

At Fountain Gate Physiotherapy, you will begin with thorough assessment of your problem.  You will then be provided with a unique program to start your rehab.

Rehabilitation can include the use of physiotherapy, myotherapy, a strength and rehabilitation group or dry needling.

Our approach?

Under the guidance of a physio, rehab can lead to:

  • Quicker recovery;
  • Reduced risk of repeat pain;
  • Improved well being;
  • Earlier return to work and sport.

Our approach ensures good communication between therapists and your doctors.  As a result, you will get the best outcome in the shortest time.

Why rehab?

Following an injury the body begins healing.  Controlled loading of the area creates stronger scar tissue with the result that you have better healing.

The rehab process focuses on tight and stiff areas that require more movement through stretches.  Similarly, areas of weakness are improved through resistance exercises.

This allows your body to recover in the best way for you to return to activity.

What should I expect?

 Range of exercise techniques
 Tailored program to your needs
 High quality equipment
 Video analysis when needed
  Workplace Setup Advice
  Workplace Injury Prevention

Common Conditions

At Fountain Gate Physiotherapy different problems can be helped such as:

ankle sprain fracture injury rehabilitation berwick hallam

knee pain sport injury arthritis