Improve the Way You Move

Home Visits

Do you require a physiotherapist or myotherapist to provide you with home visits because of declining health?  Are you unable to get to the clinic because of transport issues or pain?   Or have you recently returned home from hospital because of a fall and aren't recovering as quickly as you think you should be?

At Fountain Gate Physiotherapy we understand that staying independent in your home is very important especially to those who suffer from pain and balance issues, or are frail, aged or living with a disability.

Under those circumstances we are able to provide home visits for both myotherapy and physiotherapy and provide management for:

  • Post operative physiotherapy and rehabilitation especially after total joint replacements
  • Mobility issues and increasing your strength
  • Arthritis & Degenerative conditions such as neck or lower back spondylosis
  • Pain relief and management
  • Falls and balance issues
  • Neurological conditions that have left the client bed bound such as Multiple Sclerosis or Motor Neuron Dystrophy

So if you are having difficulty accessing quality healthcare you can get the treatment you deserve. Home visits do incur additional costs compared to an in-room consultation.  We are able to use the Medicare EPC program to cover part of the cost of treatment but will need to charge a gap fee for travel time to and from your house.

If you are funded by the NDIS we are able to either see you in the clinic or in your home.

Benefits of a Home Visit?

Being treated in your own home can be beneficial in the early stages of rehabilitation. For example:

  • Treatment is performed in the comfort of your own home
  • No need to organise taxi, transport to the clinic if you are not able to drive
  • Reduced burden on family and friends on transporting you to appointments
  • Less aggravating when getting into and out of a car is painful
  • Both physiotherapy and myotherapy can be provided in your home

The areas we can visit include most of the City of Casey and parts of the Cardinia Shire such as:

  • Narre Warren
  • Narre Warren North
  • Beaconsfield
  • Narre Warren South
  • Berwick
  • Doveton
  • Hampton Park
  • Lynbrook
  • Harkaway
  • Hallam
  • Eumemmerring
  • Endeavour Hills
  • Lyndhurst
  • Cranbourne
  • Officer
  • Pakenham

Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding home visits.

Home Visits Myotherapy Physiotherapy Berwick Hallam Cranbourne Beaconsfield