Improve the Way You Move
What is Pilates?

Joseph Pilates invented Clinical Pilates in the early 20th century as a form of exercise for injured dancers.

The moves in Pilates are similar to Yoga but has more emphasis on the spinal core. It is based on nine principles: Breathing, Concentration, Control, Centring, Flow, Postural Alignment, Precision, Relaxation and Stamina.

Studio versus Clinical Pilates?

Simply put, a physiotherapist runs a clinical pilates group.

Here at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy the group is no bigger than 4 clients allowing optimum time for assessment and re-assessment of new exercises.

Studio pilates is generally large groups and not taken by a physiotherapist - the one size fits all approach.

Clinical Pilates Lower back pain Narre Warren Berwick

What is a reformer?

A pilates reformer is a frame with a rolling platform.  Resistance is provided by graduated springs at one end.  You can exercise in sitting, standing or lying and can use either the arms or legs to move the platform.

The benefit of a reformer is that you are able to change the spring tension or position of the exercise to control the amount of resistance.  Exercises can be tailored for rehabilitation from pain or injury, or for the duration of pregnancy.  Clinical Pilates is suitable for all levels of fitness, condition and age.

clinical pilates fountain gate narre warren

How do I join a group?

You are first required to have an initial assessment with the Physiotherapist prior to joining a group.  This session lasts for 45 minutes and allows the physiotherapist to assess your suitability for a group and develop an exercise program.

Further one-on-one sessions last for 30 minutes and allow for correct performance of the basic exercises.  Your physiotherapist may suggest further one on one sessions during the initial assessment.  Otherwise you may be suitable to proceed directly to the group.  You may require up to 3 or 4 one-on-one sessions prior to joining the group.

Group sessions last for 60 minutes and have up to 4 people.  Your private health insurance may provide coverage for these group sessions.  Clients who are being seen under Workcover or TAC may also be able to join a group.  See this page for costs for both individual and group sessions.

Who will benefit?

Clinical Pilates is suitable for managing a number of conditions including but not limited to:

What do I bring to an assessment?

Comfortable clothes are a must, especially clothing that will not restrict your movement.

Please bring a pair of socks for use on the reformer and a towel and of course some water to stay hydrated.