Improve the Way You Move
Chest Physiotherapy

Chest Physiotherapy is able to help with nearly all conditions that result in difficulty breathing or clearing secretions from the lungs.  We are able to provide advice, education, a home exercise program and manual techniques here at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy.

Who would benefit from it?

If you suffer from any of the following conditions, chest physiotherapy is suitable for you:

  • Asthma especially those with an acute exacerbation
  • Bronchiecstasis
  • Chronic Obstructive Airways or Pulmonary disease (COPD and COAD)
  • Recurrent chest infections especially those who have had more than 3 course of antibiotics
  • Shortness of breath
What is involved?

During your consult you should expect your physiotherapist to listen to your breathing using a stethoscope.  They will also assess your breathing patterns and any postural issues.

It is important for you to bring any information you have about your chest. In particular, please bring a list of your medications and any test results or scans that you have had.

The physiotherapist will help teach you breathing exercises that you can perform at home to help keep your airways clear.  They may also use manual techniques such as percussions or vibrations to help loosen phlegm and make it easier to cough up.  The physiotherapist may also provide advice and techniques to assist with making your cough stronger such as the huff technique.

Does chest physiotherapy work?

Chest physiotherapy is very effective to help clear excess phlegm from your lungs.  It is also useful in helping to clear a persistent chest infection where the secretions are too deep in your lungs for your cough to be effective.

For acute chest changes such as infections or asthma exacerbation, most people will experience improvement within 2-3 sessions.  For people with chronic secretion issues such as bronchiecstasis an ongoing management plan may be needed. This may require you to attend the clinic for regular ongoing maintenance visits.

What about strengthening?

A very common symptom from long term chest conditions is shortness of breath and a whole body loss of fitness.  It may be suggested that you join one of the group rehabilitation sessions at the clinic.

The group session will aim to give you a program that you are able to continue at your home or your local gym.

chest physiotherapy asthma bronchiecstasis pneumonia
chest respiratory physiotherapy fountain gate