Improve the Way You Move
fountain gate physiotherapy knee hip replacement exercise

Not happy with your knee replacement?

Have you had your hip or knee joint replaced and still getting pain?

Pain after joint replacement is very common

Continued impairment following a hip or knee joint replacement is a very common complaint.  The most common reason for this is incomplete strengthening of the joint.  For knee replacements in particular, the emphasis during rehabilitation is to restore range as quickly as possible.  Once the knee is flexing past 90 degrees little emphasis is placed on continuing and progressing strengthening of the surrounding muscles.

But do you want to return to gardening or sport? Still struggling to return to the activities you love?

Now there is an option!

If this is you then there is now an option to improve your knee or hip joint replacement and get you back to doing the things you enjoy.  Here at Fountain Gate Physiotherapy we have begun hosting a structured progressive group exercise program.

The goal of the six week program is to increase your strength and that you will be progressed enough to continue exercises independently at your own home.

The initial program that we suggest is for 2 times per week, one hour per class for six weeks.  During the class you will cycle through different exercise blocks to improve your hip, knee, back strength.

At the completion of the six week program some people prefer to continue a minimum of once per week to continue their progress.

If you are interested in joining the program please contact us for details.  Each exercise class is $30 and is claimable via health insurance.

Medicare CDM referrals cannot be used for the exercise group.


fountain gate physiotherapy knee hip replacement exercise

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