Improve the Way You Move
covid safe normal featured image

Physiotherapy COVID normal

From 8 November 2020 there are no restrictions on accessing physiotherapy.  All face to face appointments are now allowed including group sessions.

All of our therapists (including myotherapy) have returned to providing treatment.  We have returned to our normal opening hours of 9am - 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 12pm on Saturdays.

Despite the easing of restrictions we will continue to provide exceptional cleanliness as we have prior to the pandemic. However we have also made further changes to our procedures as set out in our COVID-safe plan:

  1. All clinical and non clinical will be wearing face masks at all times.
  2. All staff will continue with washing hands or using hand sanitiser between clients.
  3. Treatment couch covers have been removed to allow sanitising to be completed between clients.  Pillow cases have been replaced with plastic covers that also allow cleaning between clients.
  4. Disposable face sheets continue to be used.
  5. All hard surfaces such as door handles, benchtops are disinfected regularly throughout the day.
  6. Exercise equipment is cleaned between each client.
  7. Hand sanitiser is available at the entrance to the clinic, reception desk, gym area and in each treatment room for client use.  We encourage each client to use sanitiser when entering and exiting the gym and the clinic.

As well as offering face to face consults at the clinic, Fountain Gate Physiotherapy will continue to offer home visit and telehealth services if that is desired by the client.

We do ask that if you are feeling unwell, have travelled overseas in the last 14 days, or have been in close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19 you do not attend the clinic and reschedule your appointment.  These situations are ideal for the use of the telehealth service.


COVID safe group class physiotherapy

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